Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Time for Wyoming

I have given it a lot of thought this week and must confess that although I am not usually this way…I have been sucked in and even consumed at times…Consider this a Warning.

It doesn’t take long especially for those of us on the outside looking in. We are the spectators. The ones who get to watch the game and then see the highlights. We hear it on the radio, we read it in the paper, we see it on the news…its everywhere and we just can’t get away from it, and if you’re like most other people, myself included, you started talking about it even before the game was over on Thursday; before that last whistle blew and the final second ticked off the clock in Amon Carter Stadium, even before the one lone idiot jumped out of the stands and made it to the 45 before he was sacked by like 4 officers. What is it? Well if you are asking you probably already know the answer. It comes in many forms and is hard to escape. You may see it in an article talking about how dominant our mighty Horned Frog defense is. How they are third in the nation in scoring (10.9) and first in total yards allowed (219). How they jumped from 24 in the Coaches poll (un-ranked in the AP) to 15 in both polls and what about the Big Bad BCS? Try 14 in the BCS poll. It’s no longer about will the Frogs go to a bowl but rather, will they be the next “BCS Buster?” This is just the beginning. From here the questions are what if and what could be. We all do it and its hard not to get caught up in the moment. It feels so good and we get all excited and giddy and it took last weeks game to make me realize something, something I knew all along but sometimes seem to forget because of all this HYPE.

We are good, there is no doubt about that…I know it and you all know it and the rest of the sporting world should know it by now…We are the real deal. But so was BYU and they still are…but they got Big Headed and overconfident and it could happen to anyone.

After the game last week I was reading the BYU Blogs and news articles and realized something…they thought they were unbeatable. They admitted that they were overconfident and admitted that they thought they were going to beat us again and thought they had the game won even before they took the field (including some of the players). They got caught up in their “Quest for perfection” campaign. I also found some Boise State Blogs and news articles and they think they have this BCS thing “in the bag.” Now that BYU has lost they think it is theirs. I also found the Utah Utes saying the same things…They think that they have such a superior team that they wont fall like the mighty Cougars.

Then I read the quotes of our Mighty Leader GP and although he is not the most eloquent of speakers, he made me stop and think…when asked about the new BCS standings here was Gary’s response:
"It doesn’t do me any good to talk about it because the bottom line is, you’ve got to follow through, you follow through, then it’s all going to happen for you. All that stuff until the end of the season is for the fans and the media, we’ve got to win.”
"I was there in 2000, I was there in 2003," he said. "I’ve been there. (Bottom line is) you’ve got to win."
This week’s game is a big game. Why? Because it is the next game in our schedule, that’s why. They are our next opponent. They are the next ones trying to outplay us and win. Don’t get me wrong. We do not have near as much invested as those guys down on the field (not talking about $$ guys) who play their hearts out every week. They are physically and mentally invested. I am not saying we can’t be excited for what is to come or what could be…all I am saying is simply this…Please don’t forget that there is another game to play and then after that another game and that there is a lot of season left. Those guys on the field need us and we can be excited when we get to where we are going but not until we finish what we have started.

It is Homecoming this week and remember…WE PLAY WYOMING ON SATURDAY! And they are not just coming her to rollover and die, they are coming here to win so lets strap it on and get ready for some FOOTBALL!